
minggu pertama di pert

hari ini 25 juli 2010 seminggu sudah kami di perth.. banyak pengalaman baik dan buruk yang kami miliki....
17 july 2010 kami berangkat dari BIM menuju bandara Soekarno Hatta menggunakan GARUDA INDONESIA.. dari jakarta kami transit ke singapura menggunakan SINGAPORE AIRLINES (penerbangn yang nyman... dan yang paling saya sukai adalah pramugari yang berpakaian sopan dengan rok menyentuh lantai) lalu dari singapura kami berangkat ke perth...
18 juli 2010... sampai di perth jam 5.30 waktu perth.. ada 1 hal yang agak lucu.. hampir semua rombongan tersandung di imigrasi ntah kenapa... kami di jemput oleh demian dengan purplebus rent... route pertama adalah ke kings hotel dimana tempat para "petinggi" menginap lalu ke BEATTY LODGE tempat penginapan kami. dan hal pertama yang kami lakukan adalah istirahat.. dan jalan2 ke perth city..
19 juli 2010.. hari pertama ke COMO HIGHTSCHOOL, kami disambut dengan hangat oleh orang disana.. kami di guide oleh Jodie Green seorang guru bahasa indonesia.. kami di bawa berkeliling COMO dan bertemu dengan mr.merson kepala sekolah disana.. dan hari itu pelajaran dmulai.. pelajaran 1.. 1minuts topic.. plg dr como saya terpaksa ke perth sendirian menemui abg sepupu.. ternyata perth itu ga sesulit yg dibayagkan.
20 juli 2010.. nyambungnya ntar aja

July 20th… second day go to Como high school we go by rent purple bus, with demo (Demian) the driver of the bus. We arrive there at 8.15 in the morning… that day we learn some tongue twister, that’s about someone names betty… its about English pronunciation and this is
“Betty Botter bought some butter but this butter’s bitter
Betty had better buy some better butter or this butter will make her butter bitter.”
Make English going  better(hahahahaha)
And we have to learn about Y chart, this teaching tools about “thing” feels like, sounds like and looks like. (the diagram will be upload some day when I arrive in Indonesia)
And we go home at 3 o clock.. dan hari ini pertama kali kami berkenalan dengan “nasi”di perth dengan membeli nasi lemak di Chilliz ( di hay street perth city).
Photo Gallery

July 21st … that day we learn about some teaching tools Think Pair and Share or 1:2:4:8 this teaching tools begin with one person that think individually in few times after that they join in pair and write what they word did not mach( that use two brain is in it?).in a few times.. and we can multiply it as we want…
And that day Jodie tell us about Australian curriculum frameworks …there are 8 learning area :
1.      Math
2.      English
3.      Science (IPA)
4.      SOSE (IPS)
( this 4 is MESS subject, the student must learn it)
5.      Health and Physical education
6.      Technology and Enterprise  (Such as Fabric, cook, IT, wood work (batukang), mechanics and etc)
7.      Art
8.      Language (other language such as b.indonesia and france)
Except MESS subject they must choose they want to learn ( Anak2 disana kagum mendengar siswa Indonesia belajar 17 pelajaran, hehehe..) dan juga mengenai HOTS dan LOTS dari bloom taxonomy,,,.
July 22nd. That day we have to learn no.2 tongue twister and here its
“How much wood
Could a woodchuck chuck
If a woodchuck could
Chuck wood “
And also that day we have to learn about “Listening and Speaking skills” and “Jigsaw” (jadi ingat buk jus,, hehehe dan jigsaw juga punya nama lain yaitu chunking or expert group, bisa dijadiin skripsi lho…)
July 23rd  its Friday , time to pedagogy with Mrs. Eva Hart (She had been came back from padang and sawahlunto in her holiday) that day we learn about “how to design an experiment” and there are  5 steps to design an experiment
1.      Hypothesis or Prediction (make a plan what did the students can make some prediction)
2.      Method
3.      Equipment (experiment tolls)
4.      Control and experimental group (make 1 experiment that is our controlled and some experiment that students wants to change the things that he was prediction)
5.      Variable
a.       Controlled
b.      Uncontrolled
c.       Dependent
d.      Independent
and that time we made a glider… but at that night our friend received a bad news about her family (her son) in payakumbuh, her son died in one accident after jumát pray… we fell so sorry about that news… but her was a stronger woman..
July 24th … its Saturday time for holiday.. J that day we went to Mandurah, a part of west Australia (Perth) with “Pak da Hen” some math teachers call him like that.. he is a lecture from UNP, he toke PhD in Curtin University.. much experience  and   a lot of photo (hehehehe)
Photo Galley
July 25th.. Sunday.. some of us go to Sunday Market in canning vale, a cheap second hand market,, but just opened on Sunday from 08.00 to 11.00,,  some of us went to that market and a lot of was sleep in their room, so do I,, so in 1st Sunday in Perth we are Sleep all the time
July 26th… 2nd week at Perth and Como.. I got a home sick, really I miss all thing about padang and padang panjang,, that day we made lesson plan jodies style (more simple than ours) jodie said her lesson plan just in her mind, no need to do this time because she passed Performance Management.. hahahaha..
July 27th Tuesday we have to do more English.. ouggh I hate Gr****r, that day we learn about something some dictionary about Science and math language.. using flash card (teaching tool) many difficult word we does.. and at afternoon we do some multiply Inelegant using self test..
July 28th More tongue twister.. and here is
Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled pepper
If Peter Picked a peck of pickled pepper
Where’s the peck of pickled peppers Peter piper picked
 And we got some teaching tools names “Round Robin” about Question Technique, there are 4 kinds of question technique here are:
1.      Advice for question technique
a.       Responding to question
b.      Clear question
c.       Question trap
d.      Group question
2.      Technique to find out more details for answer or to get the bigger picture
a.       Chunking
b.      Probing
c.       Funnel
d.      Open / closed
3.      Technique to influence the answer
a.       Tag
b.      Positive
c.       Leading
d.      Double bind
4.      Individual questioning technique
a.       The Colombo technique
b.      Socratic question
July 29th Thursday .. the last day ESL with Jodie and the last tongue twister, here it s:
One one was a race horse
Two two was one two
One one won one race and
Two two won one too!
And that day we learn about mind map.. and making mini lesson plan and make a presentation about it. And that’s it… final day with Jodie…
July 30th Friday the last day in COMO and we learn with Eva we learn about fishbone diagram, and make a discussion about science teaching technique, we had a little farewell party with the teachers there and we sing Minangkabau song,, and got a homesick.. Agggaiiinnn. After all we went to our housing school in group of 5.. Good bye Como
July 31st we have to meet “Rumah Gadang Perth” a group of “ Orang Minang” that leave in Perth for a long time.. Minang Mode on… Banyak urang awak nan lah lamo tingga di perth urang tu  klo disiko datuaknyo (cak icaknyo) da Anton, nyo karajo di perusahaan l;istrik di perth, tu ado lo da Adi nan karajo di Perusahaan Minyak Italia dan banyak nan hebat2 lai… ado uda Peter nan baralek jo urang awak, inyo pandai bahaso minang “saketek-saketek” katonyo… disitu kami acara BBQ (Buek dendeng tapi taba sangaik, ayam panggang tapi banyak kuliknyo dari dagiangnyo de el el.. hahahaha) Alhamdulillah acara silaturahmi tu bajalan baa mustinyo.. tu kami pulang samo2 lai… Makan Lamak
1st August We all go to Marapana Wild Park (our call it Muaro Paneh) watching some lazy Koala and kangaroo and the best one is take a lot of picture.. they said it to be a fact for their friends in their city (but anybody knew they go to Australia) and after that we go to Fremantle bought some key ring for our colleague in our school..
 To be continued ( photo and teaching tools I’ll explain and later)

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